The truth as I know it:

We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life. But those who make their journey home across time & miles, growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands. ~~~ Kristi Larson

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I need a title for my life...

because when I go to post random stuff that happened throughout the week, I never know what to title it.  Random things 101?  Anyway, here is our week in review...

Jack, never satisfied to just do something, has to figure out how to make something MORE dangerous!

God really was so good to provide brothers, right next door, who like to do dangerous stuff too!  And they slept over last week.  God really did care that our boys would be missing the other brothers in our life!

This was Saturday night dinner at the Kahala Hotel.  

Seriously, the Chuy's patio at home has really got NOTHIN' on this one....

The kids, ALL four cheesing the fakest grins you've ever seen.  On the beach, during dinner.

The Kahala has a dolphin lagoon where you can see dolphins up close.....

very close....

We watch the NFL for breakfast over here.  After church, we head to a local pub for breakfast and watching the Titans.  The games start at 8:00 AM and are usually over by about 3.

Here's Connor creating his ketchup sensation....

Here's Connor when I told him he now had to find something to dip into that ketchup and actually eat it. We were out of fries, so it was either edamame or wings.....

Can't you just hear the sigh?
And the whine?

And the protest?

Aww, yeah, here we go, full on tizzy.

Manipulation central.... even though it never works, why does he keep trying it with me?

Then trying to pretend that it actually was terrible... hard to hide a smile when it's that yummy.

Liam watching the game

So precious!  I love this smile.  This is the smile that lights up a room.  This is the one you get when he really is happy, and not just obliging his mama.

All I can do when I see this is breathe a sigh.  It makes me tired to look at these two, knowing what it took to get it off of them, and the walls.  Please feel sorry for me! Please? I have many more years of these two living together!  I hear you laughing... especially you Mama!  

Then, in my spare time this week, I made a skirt for my niece, which Meg promptly claimed as her own. Threw it on with her cowboy boots and called herself happy! 

And she looked so darn cute, I just went and bought more fabric to make another one.  Oh well!

Good thing I got all those change of address letters written before I left... ahem.... because the tooth fairy had to make a very special stop this week!  And there are three more very close behind it.  Connor says he's going to be singing "All I want for Christmas is my FOUR front teeth."  :)

Hawaiian word of the day... Joy: Hau'oli, 'oli, le'a

How can I have anything but joy, that my Savior has been so gentle-handed with me that He has asked me to serve Him by serving these five goofballs I call family.  And He's asked me to do it where it's 85 degrees outside everyday, I live two blocks from the beach, and there is a rainbow almost every day to remind me that He is here too! 


Lindsay said...

What gorgeous photos - and I do sympathise with how long it took to clean up your two tearaways! And Meg looks beautiful in her cowboy boots and skirt - hannah is very jealous of the pink boots :)

EJ and Grace said...

First, I cried while looking at the pictures! I miss you all so much!!!
Second, Liam looks like a teenager in those pictures. They are all growing so fast! I miss you all so much!
Third, the skirt is adorable! And Meg is getting big! I miss you all so much!
And last, I love you all so much!

Kim said...

Love everything about this post. The pictures. The stories. The skirt! And of course ... THE JOY!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

lori said...

Your week makes me laugh...

ANd, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that skirt!! Is that a pattern or did you creatively come up with it on your own? ANd, you say I'm creative? You are amazing!!!!