The truth as I know it:

We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life. But those who make their journey home across time & miles, growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands. ~~~ Kristi Larson

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just when you thought YOUR day was bad....

you see some crazy lady in the parking lot with a dead goldfish in a plastic baggy!

I just want to share this little story so that maybe you can think of me today and either laugh, or feel a little better about what YOUR doing at the moment.

Yesterday Gwen and Katie were together, no children, doing some much needed girl time before Katie leaves to return to her 13 children in Africa. When I called them, I shared this story and decided that the rest of you are just as deserving of feeling good about your day too! :) So here's the story....

I found myself driving to the mall with all four children, eating Taco Bell from the drive through, and trying NOT to look at the dead goldfish, which was in a sandwich bag hanging out my passenger side window of my car. Why, might you ask, was I even going to the mall with four children in the first place. I have no answer to that question. It did occur to me that it might be a bad idea, but it wasn't until about an hour into the shopping extravaganza (to which I had forgotten to bring my stroller) that I realized just how dumb it actually was.

Oh, you were wondering about the fish.... gotcha! Yes, well, the fish.... last week the two little boys (who share a room) decided to spend their own money, buy a tank, a goldfish and a snail. All is well for about a week, at which time the goldfish gets caught in the filter, which rips off his dorsal fin. He can't guide himself around the tank, he can only swim aimlessly without direction (which makes it hard to get food when you have to wait for it float past you.) Anyway, we flushed him live down the toilet because I couldn't stand to see him die a slow death. Enter the second trip to PetSmart where we purchase TWO goldfish this time. Black goldfish lives, white goldfish promptly dies upon entering the tank... seriously, within about two hours he was dead. I being the compassionate animal lover that I am decided that the black fish would not want to swim around in a tank with a dead fish overnight until we could take the fish back to the store (they have a two week guarantee on all fish.) So I put the dead fish in a plastic sandwich bag and go about my business. Yesterday morning I load the kids into the car, throw the baggy into the front seat and head off to the mall. But it only took me about two minutes to realize that this thing STINKS to high heaven and it would need about ten bags to keep the smell in. Hmmmm, what to do? I know, I'll stick the baggy out the window, roll the window back up, and let the fish and bag hang out the window on the way to the store. Great idea! Except.... the fish really took a beating and gross juice started coming out of his dead little body, which was pretty nasty to look at. Then his tail separated from his body. Then somehow, a little rip in the bag and the fish was gone to an interstate burial. Does this qualify for a "Because Kids Live Here" post?

You should have seen the look on the ladies face at PetSmart when I walked in with a baggy full of fish guts and juice, but no fish. All this for a refund of $2.17. :) I'm nothing if not CHEAP!

So, next time you think your day cannot get any more absurd, just thank your lucky stars you don't have a stinky fish hanging out your car window!


Intentional Living Homestead said...

Yes, I definitely had to smile...but was waiting for a picture..Just Kidding.

I think I would have opted to have another burial at sea...which in my case is septic and out to the back pasture.

Have a great day!

Kristin said...

Ha!!!!!! That is hilarious!! I love that you still took it in for a refund! LOL!!

Bethany said... that is a FUNNY story! Thanks for making me laugh!

Tiger & Kar said...

HA!! Oh my goodness this is hysterical!

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Thanks for the belly laugh! I BTDT so many times with "because kids live here" stories, but even I couldn't predict where that story was going! Too funny!

JennyMac said...

Great story and a great laugh to end my night!

Becky and Keith said...

And, of all times, you don't have your camera on you?!?! :-) To see you driving down the interstate with a fish out the window.... too funny! You ARE brave for going to the mall with 4 stroller-less children. I barely make it with one. :-)

Nicole said...

I wish I could have been there to see that event! I too was at petsmart yesterday with a 6 year old begging for a new fish. I said if it poops... NO! Nothing else with 4 legs, a fin or fur that poops!That is my rule and I am sticking to it!!!!!!!!!

Amy said...

LOL fish family rule. Don't go to Petsm*rt... go to a local fish/pet shop. Probably better handled/taken care of....

I have baggied too. The drive/walk of fish shame.

Michelle R said...

seriously, you just crack me up girl!!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Ondrea...thanks for always making me smile.

Barb said...

Yeah . . . you are just too funny!

findingourdaughter said...

I'm just getting around to reading this post and LOL!!! OMgosh, I definitely would NOT have taken the fish back for $2....I'm nothing if not Lazy! And my DH would have told me it wasn't worth the gas money! But the principle is there and of course, the story is hilarious!

Stephanie and Gary said...

Just found your blog and you had me cracking up at this story. What a visual. Perhaps even the fish found it's way splattered on the windshield wiper of the car behind you.
I look forward to reading your blog more -- both for your humor and your big heart!
enjoy your day !
Stephanie in New York