I love this photo of the boys walking down the road together; tired, dirty, and happy!
We met Pop at the lake for some fishing, then the boys had a grand time at his house... getting as dirty as boys can be, riding tractors, three wheeling, and "burning stuff".

Liam caught his first fish ever! It was a small blue gil. He was so excited. But when he tried to pick it up it finned him and he slapped it! :) That's our Liam. Brian says he is "Arlis" on "Old Yeller".

This pond is behind Pop and Trish's trailer. We built a fire, roasted hot-dogs and marshmallows, and had some very tired boys on the drive home.

http://www.shutterfly.com/view/pictures.jsp For more photos of this fun weekend, check out the photo album at Shutterfly!