The truth as I know it:

We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life. But those who make their journey home across time & miles, growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands. ~~~ Kristi Larson

Monday, January 05, 2009

Not Me Monday

Confessing all the things you "didn't" do is very freeing. I encourage you to join MckMama's carnival and set yourself free to laugh at all the things we "don't" do in a week... plus reading everyone else's Not Me is just plain fun!

I am not at all thankful for all the comments that you all left me on my blog regarding my precious grandmother's passing. It did not comfort me in the least and I was not at all happy to know that people I have met only via their blogs were lifting my family up to heaven. Thank you all very much, you have no way of knowing what the words meant to me.

My brother actually asked me to post this one, so this is for him. I have not been buying caffeinated drinks for my children over the break as a treat, thinking all along they could drink as much as they wanted because they weren't caffeinated. I did not give them Barg#s Root Beer (which, fyi, IS caffeinated) and Sun Drop (which I mistook for Squirt) and give those to them in massive amounts over the break. First of all, I would never allow my kids to have that much sugar because we all know that's bad for their teeth. Secondly, I would not give them caffeine because, well, that would make MY life harder. SO, that definitely wasn't me! (Thanks G and E for informing me, that actually explains ALOT of our Christmas memories this year! :) By the way, I think A & M is actually caffeine free, but apparently some root beer is not... who knew?)

My brother did NOT get pulled over by the police last night while driving me home from our parents'. And I did NOT take the funeral flowers out of a box and put them in between my brother and sis-in-law so that the officer would notice we'd come from a funeral. They laughed at me, but he didn't get a ticket. My sister-in-law says it was "definitely the flowers". hehehe

Sorry, that's it, short list this week, but then again, there's alot of details of stuff I've been doing that just don't seem to fit on a "Not Me" list. Have a wonderful week. I hope to see alot of you tomorrow at my lunch with Katie.


Anonymous said...

I did not laugh hysterically just now because you moved the flowers in the car to avoid a ticket. And I did not wonder why my husband didn't try and think of something creative to come up with when he did not get pulled over last week.

Additionally, I did not stand in the freezing cold at the bus stop this morning and then call a friend down the street and ask if we missed the bus to discover that there is no school today. Nope not me, because I am so organized that that would never happen. And my husband did not laugh bent over & point at me when it did. He's too charming to do that.

And I am not looking forward to lunch at your house tomorrow (Did I say that right? It sounds wrong because I totally AM looking forward to it!!)

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Please tell me that not ALL rootbear has caffine! That's the boys' favorite treat (even though I can't get the smell of it past my nose.)

Cathy said...

I DID NOT know that root beer has caffiene! That explains a lot!

EJ and Grace said...

we did not laugh hysterically re-living the moments you did not have this week.

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

So sorry to hear about your Grandmother. It is always hard to lose the ones in our lives who have helped to make us who we are today. What a wonderful way to remember her though, every time you look at Meg and know where she got her name. She must have been a wonderful blessing and I know you will miss her.

Hope that your lunch with Katie goes well and I am so sorry I will miss pictures and fill us all in on the blog...
